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Monday, June 6, 2016

VSP Checklist for Intel - June 2016

Looks like June 24th is big last day for those taking the VSP packages.  Here is some quick advice, kind of mixed up together.

  • Websites - Make sure that you login to all the websites you need before you leave. UBS, Cigna, My Health, MySPP, etc etc. 
  • MySPP - off of Circuit.  Be sure you have the February SPP donations sheet if you contributed.  August donations will probably be refunded to you later.
  • Matching Gifts - make any matching gifts to charity before your last day
  • Volunteer Hours - have you entered your hours so far?   Make sure you do before you leave.
  • Copy your personal files. Bookmarks, links, contacts, software.  Your Intel system will be gone.  Don't take any company stuff, just whatever personal stuff you managed to copy over.  Don't worry about cleaning it up, IT will wipe the OS from it and install a new one.
  • Don't take any company stuff.    Be good, be professional.  Doesn't hurt to repeat this message.
  • MyHealthBenefits - make sure your selections are correct and accurate!   This will help if you take COBRA coverage later.
  • Company Cards - Turn them in, deactivate them.   Except the Goodie Drawer Card, you will need this for a while afterwards, if your VSP treatment includes some extra bonuses.
  • EPP - you can still purchase from EPP after you leave, but if you think you will need something, good to get it now.
  • Medical/Dental treatments - now might be the time to get them started.  If you have been putting off your kids braces or a doctor ordered test, think about doing it.
  • Prescriptions - Restock your orders early, in case there is interruption of coverage.  You never know what paperwork glitches might occur in switching over to new health coverage.
  • RSU's - Those vested belong to you forever.  You do not have to sell them right away.  Have a plan for when you sell them, even if not this year.  In fact, you might not want to this year.  Check with a financial advisor.
  • SERP 401K - There are options with this to leave it or transfer, but only after the last paychecks have been processed.  You can even access before age 59.5, but there are income considerations that you should check with a financial advisor about, and other options.  SERP to IRA is easy to rollover, SERP to Roth would produce income.
  • Extra Donations - To SERP, and to your HSA might lower your income, and help fully fund for this year.  Be sure to run some of those numbers, especially with a financial advisor.
  • College Aid - got a kid in college?   They might qualify for more aid, if you can guesstimate your next year's income.  Ask the kid for the aid forms, and notify the office.
  • LinkedIn - get on it, and get your profile updated.  It does not have to be perfect at first.  Just the basics, and you can be more informal on LinkedIn than your resume.  Plan to get on it more frequently.  This is what most employers will look at first these days.
  • Resume - pull one out and refresh it.  The recommendation is don't go back longer than 15 years of job history.
  • Focal and Stock Letters - do you have copies of your previous 5 Focals?
  • Internal Employment History - Don't forget to get your Internal Employment History.  This can be accessed somewhere off of Circuit.  Should have Job TItle, Start Date, Duration, etc.
  • Build a team of your advisers.  Friends, Family, Colleagues who you can safely review both your tasks and materials with.   Think about having your own crew, or Kitchen Cabinet.   Also, ask people who you might want to give their names for jobs that ask for Recommendations.  And don't forget to write and recommend others too.  Be as friendly to your friends as they are to you.
This is only a partial list.  Good luck!

=== Post posting comments from pdx-tie members ===

  • Another thing I would add to this list is records of DRA's. When I asked for a list of DRA's with dates and descriptions they couldn't give it to me.
  • 1. Expense reports
    2. Distribution lists where you are the owner (may not be in contacts) - Outlook lists where you are a recipient will be updated with your leaving, so not important.  -Editor
  • Email Notifications - Do you have your library or dry cleaners send notifications to your @intel.com address?  Might want to start changing those now.

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