Welcome Message

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno -- One for all, all for one

Welcome To Our Mutual Support Community Web Site
(Formerly Known As "The Intel Eliminati" - TIE)

Second Steps

Thinking Longer Term

 We cover the next steps below.  But first, some advice from 6+ years after the 2015/2016 layoffs:

"The main thing I had learned for the past 6 years is to give yourself new eyes in the environment. I used to have that “intel” perspective but not everyone sees that is almighty way, anymore from my experience. There is always another entity, method, and reason for maintaining your scope and purpose to another job or if you want to do something different to better yourself by learning new skills or traits intel never prepped you due to time or just keeping you busy to ignore things you never learned. Triumph and tribulations will always come to how you want to approach and to have that broad perspective will assist your future it just takes some time to understand and not to rush things to your liking otherwise you’ll regret your decisions if you make the wrong move for your career. "
-- Norm Lam, Dec 2022

Support Network

Build a team of your advisers. Friends, Family, Colleagues --- whomever you feel can safely review both your tasks and materials. This can be a difficult time so do not go through it alone, but with a network to support you.

In addition to this blog, there is also a Google Group you can join. This group is intended for people who were recently laid off from Intel, dealing with insurance, unemployment, and so on. To protect people's privacy, at this time only those who were laid off or taken a VSP are included.

To help evaluate applications to the list, send your LinkedIn profile or other professional information. Alternatively, have someone at intel.com verify that you were employed there, and send an e-mail from their @intel.com account to confirm it. The group link is https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pdx-tie.

Remember that losing your position, whether through retirement, voluntary, or involuntary action, can be very stressful. There are parallels to the five stages for processing it: denial, anger, grief, bargaining, and acceptance. Talk to people. Go ahead and be angry. What works for you to help you recover your footing may be unique to you or common with others. Do not forget the resources available to you to help you through the process.

Unemployment Insurance

You have paid for this insurance so should claim your benefit. You may claim insurance starting in the week you were laid off.

Note About States:  Each state has a different process/procedure and requirements.  Search and check for yours.   Some countries may not have Unemployment Insurance.

Oregon: http://findit.emp.state.or.us/ocs
CA: http://www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/Filing_a_Claim.htm
AZ: https://des.az.gov/content/apply-ui-benefits

The procedures can be a bit bureaucratic.


For Oregon, start by filing your claim at http://findit.emp.state.or.us/ocs. You will then need to go to an office to verify your identification and go over some preliminary documentation.

For OR Unemployment, you can claim starting from the day you left!  You may receive paychecks later than that date, but for Unemployment process the day you left is when you can claim.

After you do this, you need to report your job search activities on a weekly basis. You need to apply for at least two jobs per week and have three other activities at a minimum. These can be searching for work, updating your resume, meeting with a coach, taking training classes, etc. The unemployment office will give you a list of activities that qualify.

Also read this blog posting: http://www.pdx-tie.org/2016/06/unemployment-insurance-revised.html


Below are tips to help you move forward.
  • Structure your day. Your job is to find a new job but doing this as a 40-hour-a-week role can burn you out. Structure your day so that you spend 2-4 hours searching and applying for work.
  • Take care of yourself.  Before or after you have done your search, get some exercise and take care of yourself. The Intel work environment is not low stress, so use the free time you have on yourself.
  • Make a list of what you want to do and track it. You may have maintained a notebook at work. Making a personal one can help you organize your search as well as personal activities you want to accomplish. It can also help provide you structure.
  • If you have career transition services such as LHH, use them. They have training courses and other options available. You can incorporate these in your schedule. Some people search for work 3-4 days a week and go on LHH to take classes and learn for 1-2 days a week.
  • Network with people. Many jobs are found via information networks so take the time to talk to people and be social. You never know when a friend of friend will be able to help you.
  • Meetups - You can start at http://www.meetup.com and find a whole bunch of meetups on different topics in practically every major metropolitan city, worldwide!  Check them out for Programming, Program Mgmt, Technologies, even Social Orgs.  
  • Volunteer and Professional Orgs.   If you are member of a professional organization like IEEE or ACM, there are meetings probably all the time in different areas.  Maybe now is the time you spend working as a volunteer on that Conference you always attended?
  • Share job listings.  If you learn of a job that is not a fit for you but could be for someone else, pass it along. This sharing and networking will help one another and the favor you do for someone could be returned to you.

Other Options

  • Start a company? Many Eliminati members have started their own companies, or retrained and have started different careers.   Always keep in mind that each job is just another listing on your resume.  You may have many other skills that you could tap into your professional career.

  • Encore Fellowships. Intel Retirees may have the option of an Intel-paid Encore Fellowship.  But even non-retirees can get Encore Fellowships, just not paid for by Intel.  Either method, getting an Encore slot requires you to be working closely with a non-profit organization.   All of the ex-Intel members had to work hard to get their Fellowships. Consider the list of available Encore Fellowships, as well as possibly creating one for yourself!

Last updated: 2017-03-13

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