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Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Collective Action" vs. "Class Action" employment discrimination law suits

While conducting my employment discrimination research project over the last 13 months, I found out that besides filing for administrative law hearings and judgments with State agencies (like BOLI in Oregon) and the EEOC Federal agency, as well as filing an individual civil law suit, there are additional options for employees to seek justice. While the term "Class Action" is quite well known and employers (including Intel Corp., Google and Apple) have been successfully sued through class actions suits, there is an additional option, which is referred to as "Collective Action".

Since I am not a professional attorney, I prefer to leave it up to you to understand the significance of a Collective Action.

For more information, click on the links below.

In addition, I highly recommend that you ask your local library to purchase a book written by Patricia G. Barnes under the title:

  "Overcoming Age Discrimination in Employment"

I already ordered a paperback copy through the Tigrad, Oregon cooperative library.

The book is very new (published in January of 2016) and therefor covers all the latest aspects of treating age discrimination cases under existing laws and court decisions.

Note that besides the hard-copy version, the book is also available in electronic format through Amazon for only $9.99

Here is the Amazon link:

If you are 40 years old or older and have any reason to believe that you have been discriminated by your employer, due to your age, I urge you to immediately file a complaint with the State agency that is responsible for enforcing Civil Rights in employment in your state (BOLI in Oregon, Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) in California, Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) in Washington State, etc. ), as well a the EEOC. In most cases, if your complaint is accepted by your state agency within 180 days of alleged violation (or 300 days in states that provide anti discrimination in emplacement laws), the relevant State agency co-files your complaint with the EEOC. Otherwise, you have to immediately contact the EEOC and file your complaint directly with them.

I offer to conduct educational classes on the subject, if there are enough people interested in pursuing the Administrative Complaint process.

--Dr. Flywheel

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